
I am grateful for my intentions.

The slightest choices and the bigger decisions,

Throughout the year supporting me,

As the person I wanted to embody.

I am grateful for my failures.

That left my soul injured,

And tainted my heart in black,

To finally allow a vibrant Self to come back.

I am grateful for yoga sinking in me.

For showing me that love isn't that scary,

And for bringing me a community,

Like-minded people, family.

I am grateful for poetry.

The dimples from your smile,

Good wine.

The darkness lighted up by the Christmas light,

The moon at night.

Coffee in bed,

Movie and blanket.

Random acts of kindness,

Children happiness.

The sound of rain,

And the sunrise on a clear winter day.

I am grateful for soul connections.

Random people manifesting in rare occasions,

Who led me to recognize, amend and accept,

My darkest traits.

I am grateful for family members.

For being challenging teachers,

By embodying their true individuality,

There are leading me to accept them completely.

I am grateful for my body.

Who resiliently,

Support my impulses and my ever changing routine,

Remaining strong and alluring.

And I am so, so grateful to be alive,

Alive enough to be grateful.


Goodnight sunshine

