Sweet smell of wood

It is so warming,

That sweet smell of wood.

A sensation of being held very tight,

And the world around seems to have stopped.

It is so soothing,

That sweet smell of wood.

A breath of comfort you are inhaling,

And the mad dance of your heartbeats suddenly winds down.

It is so convincing,

That sweet smell of wood.

A simple stroll under the silver firs,

And you feel that your soul has been understood.

It is so baffling,

That sweet smell of wood.

An unexpected journey towards the deepest edge of a forest,

And the trees are not waving the way you believe it would.

It is so enduring,

That sweet smell of wood.

An instinctive flow of movements that the trees undertake each season,

And, even in the middle of a storm, they wait for the right moment.

It is so thrilling,

That sweet smell of wood.

An invitation to fearlessly pursue the unknown,

And to blow an unusual breeze in between that sweet smell of wood.




The loop of failure